The Echo Chamber with Dr. Mac View all categories Select the CategoriesAll CategoriesEpisodesThe DebunkersDebates with StrawmenMembers OnlySkitsSongsPSA ParodyThe Echo Chamber With Dr. MacEducationalAMACommentaryJason and GovernmanUchild traffickers deny any connection to fashion industryDecember 14, 2022democrats cope over red wave pollsNovember 8, 2022If the media were honest about January 6thOctober 19, 2022Biden Redefines RecessionJuly 29, 2022sex ed by disney!April 7, 2022Joe Rogan ApologizesFebruary 8, 2022biden’s big bad border crisisSeptember 28, 2021Rioting: Only Ok When We Do It!January 12, 2021Bernie Bros Vs Biden’s BumblersApril 23, 2020DRUMPF IS FINISHED!!!October 10, 2019The Age GapSeptember 5, 2019Dr. Mac and AOC Fix The WeatherJune 20, 2019D 1234 E