The Echo Chamber with Dr. Mac View all categories Select the CategoriesAll CategoriesEpisodesThe DebunkersDebates with StrawmenMembers OnlySkitsSongsPSA ParodyThe Echo Chamber With Dr. MacEducationalAMACommentaryJason and GovernmanUBen Shapiro OWNS Dr. Mac | FreedomToonsApril 26, 2018Terrorist Tweet | FreedomToonsMarch 29, 2018PC Olympics | FreedomToonsJanuary 18, 2018Dr. Mac Interviews ISIS | FreedomToonsDecember 28, 2017My Big Fat Gay Wedding Lawsuit | FreedomToonsDecember 14, 2017HOW TO CRITICIZE THE LEFT | FREEDOMTOONSNovember 30, 2017GUN CONTROL W PIERS AND CENK | FREEDOMTOONSNovember 16, 2017Trigger Treat! | FREEDOMTOONSOctober 19, 2017Is Media Turning Kids Straight? | FREEDOMTOONSSeptember 28, 2017How Leftist Media WorksApril 13, 2017D 1234 E